fredag 20 mars 2015

Nat'l Test: Math and test practice

Geesh! What a day! Week, for that matter! An entire week of Math Review...

The kids handled it extremely well :)...only minor complaints.

For HOMEWORK, they've taken home the Diagnostic Test Packet from our book, which we've been working on over the week...

If anyone has a chance to get a study partner (a classmate, parent, sibling, etc) for this homework assignment, feel free to go ahead and do it!

Students should work about a half hour Saturday and Sunday on this... it's even better if they can finish it entirely.

We'll go over it on Monday.

HOMEWORK #2 involves adding some points to and editing the Civil Rights Movement outline.

National Tests in Math

Tuesday: 2 long blocks, with a break in between

Thursday: same

Friday: small (3 person) groups for 45 minute Oral Test

Please try to be present all week next week (esp. Tu Th Fr!)...

A non-messy type snack is totally ok to bring in.

We're just about all planned for the trip in May, with (TBA) 3 activities planned. A newsletter should come out soon!

Take care everyone...


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