tisdag 14 april 2015

Flea Market 25/4

As Nicolai's mum Caroline told us in the last information about the class trip, we are in need of raising a little more money for ice cream, lunches etc.
Alfred's mum, Anna has therefore booked a place at the Mimer Flea Market on Saturday 25th April.
Sara and I will provide a table and go out early (7ish) to grab a spot in the same area as last time (Norrtullsgatan 12), but I am working all day and cannot therefore be relied upon to man the stall.
We all will need to take responsibility to make sure that the table is filled with goods and that someone is there throughout the day. The market is 'open' from 10am - 4pm.
At the end of this week I will post another blog entry with a suggestion for which families do which shift. Please contact me before then if you have a particular wish, either by commenting in the comments field lower down the page, texting or emailing me.
In the meantime, please go through your cellar or attic storage spaces and dig out those treasures that you have been meaning to get rid of and send them to school with your child next week (I hope that it ok with you Andy). ...oh yes, and we will need someone (with a car?) to pick up the treasure from school on Friday 24th and transport it to the stall on Saturday morning.
I look forward to all your engagement in this last fundraising activity - please don't just leave it to those parents already going on the trip!
Best wishes,
Chris Stayne (Casper's Dad)

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