tisdag 21 april 2015


From Anna Trentham (Alfred's mom)
Loppis on Saturday 25th of April, 


-We are allowed to sell baked goods in package-plastic, cellophane bags etc. The loppis has no license to run a cafe.




Swap in between each other if you can't make the slot you are given. If parents and children want to stay for the whole day, please do;)

At least one adult/slot is needed since the children are handling money.


A parent with a car is needed in the end of the day to transport unsold things the class can't give away to charity/Myrorna at the flea market. 

A parent is also needed to tidy up and take the money in the end of the day. 




Rota for 25th of April-Mimer loppis.


-We are allowed to sell baked goods in package-plastic, cellophane bags etc!


Alfred/Anna Trentham will  collect the things from school Friday afternoon.


7.30-9.30 Sara Stayne setting up, Anna/Alfred Trentham 


9.30-11.00 Nicolai, Casper, Destiny, Kimberly, Zahra, 


11.00-13.00 Vikram, David,  Sonia, Bianca, Stella, Solveig, 


12.00-15.00 Bilal, Gabriel, Alice, Nora, Olivia, Uma


15.00-16.30 Philip, Lukas G, Lukas M, Daniella, Jubilee




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